VIC and my Babyliss Rollers!

Sorry if I look a little snooty here – I was trying to work out why I had a different coloured Ugg boot on each foot.

Anyway – I had a VIC today (Very Important Casting) and was told to look glamorous and do something nice with my hair. Confession: I am terrible at doing my hair. I have two styles that I am proficient in achieving,

1. Up, and

2. Down

I have been struggling along with my BaByliss heated rollers for years now, each time managing to make myself look as though I have been to a lunatic asylum for the blind to get my hair done. But today I filmed myself with the rollers in and actually prayed for a sensible result (film to come later) and hey-presto, I pulled them out to find that they had magically produced a bouncy, semi-glam wave. So here I am, in my granny cardigan, recording the results for posterity (it’s probably the only time that I’ll manage to use them properly) and looking down at my mis-matched feet in utter disdain.

I must dash as I have a shoot at 6pm (intriguing, no? A graveyard story perhaps?), but for those who would like to try the rollers, they are called BaByliss Thermo Ceramic Rollers and they are £29.99 from Argos. Never say I’m not classy.

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