heat rash chest solution
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Useful Beauty Products to Take to the Gym.

heat rash chest solution

Continuing along the whole “health and fitness” vein; some useful beauty products that I take with me to the gym. On video for your entertainment – and boy is it entertaining. Especially if you like the word “moist”or want to have the mental image of me doing naked bending and stretching burnt into your brains for the next three months. (Yes, you are welcome!)

I hate getting changed in the gym, and I suppose that lots of the products I choose to take with me are geared around getting me in and out of the shower rooms as quickly as is humanly possible. I don’t want to stand there in the buff lavishing myself with oil (why do people do that!) and I equally don’t want to be standing at the sinks for ten minutes, makeup bag perched on the ledge and everything falling down the plughole every three seconds. I also have a bit of a thing about verrucas and moist floors (started when I was eight when I actually had a verruca and it horrified me so much I can barely put my feet down in damp places) and so, in general, communal changing areas just make me feel a bit queasy.

workout skincare and bodycare

A few of time-saving products, then, which include the deodorant-and-fragrance in one (at the moment it’s the delightful Carven scent) and the Nivea In-Shower Body Moisturiser*. I don’t know whether you’ve tried this stuff – I’m a bit late to the party, because it actually came out last year – but it’s a moisturiser that you put on IN THE SHOWER. I know. It seems odd, doesn’t it, especially when you then rinse it off and expect it to work. But it does work, and the magical thing about this whole situation is that it frees me from the absolute nightmare that is “naked body lotion application in a semi-public place”. Because I really don’t want to be bending to moisturise my extremities when I’m surrounded by naked or semi-naked ladies. It’s just not my cup of tea.

products for the gym

Nivea have launched two new flavours of this In-Shower wondrousness and I have ten lots to give away, all nicely packaged up in a bag that tells you how lovely you look. A bit like the mirror in Snow White, except that it doesn’t have magical powers. To win a goody bag, pop a comment below and make sure you put your email address in the form where prompted. I’ll draw ten random winners next Friday at 12:00 BST. Don’t worry if your comment doesn’t show up immediately, it will be caught in the queue waiting for me to tick it. Just chillax and read some more posts or, even better, watch the video I made!

Here it is, with some handy skincare to use after you’ve been working out and also a good tip to banish that horrible heat rash that can come up between your boobs when you get all sweaty. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you: there’s a lot about bodies in this video.) If you can’t see the video box below then please click here, otherwise just press play!

To read more health and fitness posts, please click here.

*This video and giveaway has been sponsored by Nivea as part of their Smoother Mornings campaign. For more info please click here: NIVEA smoother mornings

Products Mentioned:

Burt’s Bees Baby Powder: http://rstyle.me/n/kbd9kt6a6
Mio Wonder Workout Muscle Invigorating Gel: http://goo.gl/lDZP2p
Nivea In-Shower Body Moisturiser: http://tidd.ly/15d8b226
Carven Deodorant: http://rstyle.me/n/kbd3yt6a6
Skin Doctors T Zone Face Wash: http://tidd.ly/2a5758ca
Dr Renaud Calming Gel: erm. Why can’t I find this online? I got it at M&S but a while back.. Sorry.

Dior Airflash in 201: http://tidd.ly/dc5bb94a
Body Shop Bronzer in Honey Bronze: http://tinyurl.com/honeybronze
Benefit Push Up Liner: http://tidd.ly/23f6abb4

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