Trevor Sorbie Beautiful Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner
One of my more ridiculous habits in recent years has been avoiding hair products that bear the actual name of the celebrity hairdresser who has ‘created’ them. Thus I have steered clear of Charles Worthington, Toni and Guy, Umberto Giannini, Mark Hill, John Frieda, Lee Stafford, James Brown, and probably many others.
Silly, I know, and I’m not sure what has made me feel so odd towards them – especially as I have worked for or with most of these hairstylists or their brands! I think that one of the biggest reasons is that I rarely see these salon-branded products on shoots, and I do tend to choose my haircare based on what is recommended to me by the stylists I work with.
I realised last week, however, that I have been missing a HUGE trick. Browsing in Boots, I turned down into what I have since christened ‘The Celebrity Aisle’, and was actually rather impressed by the range of products on offer and their pricing. Serums, glosses, anti-frizz conditioners; there was pretty much everything you could ask for, and the best bit was that almost all of it was available in travel size! (You know how I love a product in miniature!)
So here we go; the start of a new era. A whole world of reasonably priced hair products for me to explore. I kicked off with Trevor Sorbie’s Beautiful Blonde shampoo and conditioner, which, after just one use, left my hair looking extremely glossy and thick. I’m not sure how an earth it works, (actually I am – it’s very small amounts of semi-permanent dyes within the product) but my hair did look blonder – not lighter in colour, just more…vibrant. Vibrant is a very good description.
Take a look at my hair in the photograph – that’s just after the shampoo and conditioner (I went for warm golden blonde rather than the ‘cool’ option) and I have left my hair to dry naturally. No serum, no treatment, nada.
So I am deeply impressed, and now I’m off to a casting. I’m actually running late for my casting, but hopefully my shining locks will get me out of trouble!
Trevor Sorbie Beautiful Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner, £4.99 each from Boots. (There’s usually an offer on in The Celebrity Aisle at Boots – at the moment it’s 3 for £10!)