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Three Healthy Diet Changes

Ha! Sorry about my very odd expression in this photograph – it was the best screen-grab from the video that I could find! I’m writing this very late on Saturday night in lieu of the usual Sunday Tittle Tattle – I’m going to publish that post later on today when I’ve had a chance to draw the winners from the Manuka Doctor giveaway. For now, you can watch me pottering about in my kitchen making unprocessed versions of commonly purchased processed foods: pasta sauce, salad dressing and frozen yoghurt.

Cooking from scratch as much as possible is one of the biggest efforts that I make, health-wise. It’s not just a matter of counting calories or fat content, it’s about eradicating artificial colourings and flavourings and just generally eating in a healthier way. Most of the ingredients I use here can be classed as “store-cupboard” ingredients, so it should be really easy to knock up a little bit of pasta and salad without having to make a trip to the shops. None of this is rocket science, but if you can get it together to make a quick sauce to go with meat or chicken or pasta then you might just tempt yourself away from that easy takeaway or ready meal. I hope that at least a few of you find this helpful!

Those you can’t see the video pane, click HERE


3 Cloves of Garlic
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (about 1.5 tbsp)
Dried chilli or fresh, to taste. None if you prefer!
Two tins of chopped tomatoes
2 x 1/4 tins of water (swill out the tomato juice and bits!)
Salt and pepper
Fresh basil, if you have it. Not dried, it tastes odd.

Heat oil on a low/medium heat and add crushed garlic, do not let it burn! It only needs to cook for twenty seconds or so, longer if your heat is very low. Add chilli if using and stir.
Add chopped tomatoes and the water that you swill the cans out with. (Only about one quarter of the tin volume, max.)
Simmer for as long as you have time to! An hour is good, half an hour is OK; make a load in advance. It freezes REALLY well!
Serve with pasta, chicken, lamb, fish, whatever you like. Also makes good pizza topping!

RECIPE FOR LOW-FAT PEACH FROZEN YOGHURT – from Cuisinart Ice Cream Pro cookbook

350g canned peach slices
675g low fat yoghurt
75g Granulated Sugar

Drain peaches and reserve 100ml juice
Blend peaches until smooth
Add yoghurt, sugar, juice and blend again until smooth. Cover and refrigerate for at least two hours then churn in your machine!


The best extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar that you can find, a little garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Use about 2/3 oil to 1/3 vinegar, but keep experimenting until you like the taste. Shake it up in a jam jar and remove the garlic before pouring the dressing!

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