This Cannot Fail to Make You Laugh
I want to share with you a little link to a video that NEVER fails to make me laugh. In my darkest moments I have searched for this on Youtube and it has completely and utterly cheered me up. Many of you will have seen it before and I expect that for a few of you, it will be on your own favourite “moments” list.
It is the Friends episode where Ross gets a spray tan. If you don’t know the episode I mean (but you know what Friends is, surely? Unless you have been living in a disused power station in Siberia?) then you are in for a treat. I won’t give too much away, but I’ll warn you not to watch this on public transport. If you’re anything like me, you’ll laugh out loud uncontrollably and then do a weird pig-snort.
I swear, if you ever go for a spray tan after watching this, you’ll have to bite your tongue not to shout “I’M AN EIGHT?” at the technician.
Email users, click here to watch. **update: you may ALL have to click to watch as it’s copyrighted and keeps getting removed!**