TheO Gift of Volume Competition! (CLOSED)
***UPDATE! The wonderful people at Cloud9 have chosen a winner: HUGE congratulations to Elycia – I’ll be contacting you by email for your details! I noticed when looking up Elycia’s comment that she has just recently started a blog,, so now she has double the reason to celebrate! Thanks so much to everyone who entered, I have literally rolled about the floor laughing at some of the disasters and others were fabulously cringeworthy!***
Hurrah! A big old treat for you (or one of you!) today: I have the Cloud Nine TheO Gift of Volume to give away! Worth £199.95, it includes TheO Pod, Rollers and style spray. If you haven’t heard about TheO before, let me tell you a little about it, because it’s amazing.
TheO heats every roller individually – you just chuck it into the pod and after a few seconds, the pod beeps to let you know that the roller has ‘cooked’. (My phrase, but I like it..) The roller isn’t hot when you handle it, but heats up gradually and by the time you have it secured in your hair, it’s properly, properly hot! What a genius idea! Take a look at the following video to see it in all its glory…
So, the competition rules:
1) This competition is open to each and every follower of A Model Recommends – there are plenty of ways that you can be a follower, but you must be one to enter! Try these ways on for size: email subscription, GFC (in sidebar), Twitter, Facebook, Youtube. Follow in every way if you want to!
2) In your entry, state the method by which you follow (email, GFC, etc)
3) In your entry, be sure to put your email address in the ‘form’ when prompted- nobody can see this but me if you put it in the right place. If you don’t put your email in, you simply can’t win as I won’t be able to contact you!
4) *THE IMPORTANT BIT!* Tell me, in just a couple of sentences, what has been your worst ever hair disaster. You don’t need to be Shakespeare, so don’t be shy about writing your entry – we just want a good old laugh at your expense! (Joke.) The entry that most amuses/horrifies the lovely judges at Cloud Nine will win!
5) Enter before 12 Midday on Wednesday 13th July 2011.
6) One entry per person. Entries must have valid email, hair disaster and the way in which you follow A Model Recommends ALL ON ONE COMMENT! If you mess up, start again and I’ll delete the one that’s wrong – please just make sure all the info appears on one comment and not on an extra “oops, forgot my email, here it is!” It’s an admin nightmare!
**UPDATE: don’t know how I forgot this part! Cloud Nine are also running an AMAZING comp on Facebook, prizes for you and a friend! Go and take a look – double your chances! CLICK HERE**
Good luck – you can register your entry by leaving a comment on this post.