The Truth About Beauty

by | Oct 13, 2011

The Truth About Beauty

This is a post that I have been meaning to write for quite some time but -as usual – other things got in the way! Ladies (and gentlemen, of course!) please may I introduce you to the lovely Aly Hazlewood, makeup artist extraordinaire and author of Truth About Beauty. Aly has been a makeup artist for many, many years (you’re beginning to realise that I know a lot of makeup artists, photographers and stylists by now, I would have thought!) and I have worked with her on countless occasions. Truth About Beauty is her incredibly well-researched beauty blog with a wide variety of products, usually tested over long periods of time and to the Nth degree. I most highly, highly recommend that you bookmark it, follow it or whatever it is that you like to do – it’s brilliantly written and Aly has a wicked sense of humour.

Check out this behind-the-scenes post: – jealous, much? I want to float about in a giant swan!

Aly has no internet at the moment because she has moved house, but I’m quite enjoying catching up on older posts! Have a little peruse – she has been shortlisted for the Cosmo Blog Awards so if you love her blog then do make sure you vote!


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