The StriVectin Challenge

The StriVectin Challenge

I can’t quite remember whether StriVectin challenged me, or I challenged StriVectin, but there’s some kind of challenge going on somewhere in some form! Basically, StriVectin have given me a massive tube of Intensive Concentrate and asked me to test it out for a couple of months to see what it does. I’m pretty sure they know what it does, or what it’s supposed to do, but I think that it’s quite brave from a PR perspective to invite me to give an honest appraisal of the results, and so I am gamely joining in!

I tried to video my fine lines around my eyes, but as you’ll see they don’t show up that well. I know that I don’t have deep wrinkles – and I shall be testing this on my deep wrinkle Guinea Pig at the same time. (He doesn’t know that yet, and I’m not actually going to tell him that he’s a Guinea Pig! Ha!) However, I am extremely interested to see what this does to fine lines – they’re really quite a common beauty complaint and I think that it would be marvelous if the StriVectin did something towards preventing them from deepening so much or really visibly reducing them.

I’m not being paid by StriVectin to do this, so as usual I have no incentive to swing my opinion any way other than the truthful way, so keep a look out for my results. I’m going to be testing the cream around the eye area, in the centre of my forehead (beginnings of frown lines) and on my chest area where I have wrinkles starting to form their evil trenches. I’m not going to be using any other product in these areas so that the review is totally fair and as controlled as possible. Obviously these aren’t clinical testing conditions, but I’m quite excited because I rarely get to test a product for so long in this way. I’ll be doing an update in a month’s time.

Until then, if you want to hear me babbling on and trying to show my fine lines on camera, then take a look at the video!


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