The Garden Girl Palette

by | Oct 9, 2010

Okay, deep breath – this palette is £67.50. I’ve been worried about writing this post because I know that it’s a lot of money, but on the other hand, I feel that I have to write this post because the shadows and blushers are of such exceptional quality. Before I start talking about the palette in more detail, I just want to do some very quick maths: there are sixteen full-sized eyeshadow pans and four blushers in the palette (plus two lipsticks, but let’s count those out for the moment). The quality of the shadow is, at the very least, equal to the quality of the luxury brand shadows that I have bought in the past. The single shadows that I have bought have averaged to be about £10 per shade – and so already the palette is worth £160. Add to this the beautiful blushers, and the lipsticks that I said I would ignore…

I realise that this palette looks functional rather than luxurious, but I have to say that the quality of the products within more than make up for a rather plain casing! The pigment is intense and extremely long-wearing, the colours are flattering and well-selected, despite looking a tad intimidating when they are all sat together in the palette! The ‘Garden Girl’ has pretty much changed the way I feel about eye makeup – I have never experimented with colour before – usually I would buy a compact that contained neutrals, or shades of grey for a smoky eye. Filming for this product over a number of weeks forced me to really experiment and have fun – yellow eyes, green eyes, purple eyes – I did it all!

I hope that you like the looks that I put together in the video. I have been so nervous about showing them because – even though I’ve spent 10 years having amazing eye ‘looks’ done! – I was really concerned that they might not be to everyone’s taste. What the hell – I’ve had fun, and it’s a fun palette. If you’re a serious eyeshadow addict and you love unusual colours, then this palette is most definitely for you!

The Garden Girl Palette is £67.50 available exclusively at – UPDATE: the wonderful ladies at Coco Beau have offered readers of A Model Recommends 15% off the price of the Garden Girl palette! All you need to do is enter the code “Model Ruth” at checkout. Good news for all you eyeshadow-aholics!


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