The Big Tinted Moisturiser Hunt

I have used the same tinted moisturiser for five years. Five long years! Ever since a make-up artist lent me her Stila Sheer Color on a trip to the South of France I have been faithful to my one and only, beautifully sheeny and dewy, gorgeously formulated tinted moisturiser.

Disaster struck last year when I heard that Stila were no longer making their products available in the UK – I stockpiled a few tubes and other bits-and-bobs, but yesterday I used up the very last morsel of my tinted moisturiser.

So the hunt is on for a replacement! Yes I know that if I hunt about on t’internet I can find a stockist, and I know that I could simply buy it at Sephora when I go to the States, but for me, Stila has been tainted. It has forsaken me, which, quite frankly, I find quite unforgivable. (Drama Queen? Me?)

So here’s my Lonely Face Ad for a replacement Tinted Moisturiser:

Ahem. Model, aged…let’s just say ‘in twenties’, seeks TM in the London area. Must be readily available, long-lasting, gentle and be able to hide minor flaws. Must not be greasy, orange or have a strange smell.”

I’ll let you know how I get on!

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