empties video

Beauty Stuff I’ve Managed to Finish… (AKA The “Empties” Video)

I love finishing stuff off. It gives me a real sense of achievement, which is…sad. Oh well! I’ve been saving up my empty bottles and tubes ready to do a series of little mini-reviews on the products, and it’s all recorded in the video below. There’s a lot of hair stuff, which is largely because I’m…

the affordable skincare routine
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The Affordable Skincare Routine

I’m clearing out my beauty room before house renovations begin (don’t even ask why I’m going ahead with building work when I’m having a baby in four-months-and-one-week’s time!) and I keep discovering very interesting little boxes filled with skincare for various budgets. The one that most grabbed my attention was the “affordable skin care” box; bits and pieces…

ruth crilly model beauty blogger
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October Skincare and Beauty Favourites

Is it me, or does the last beauty favourites video only seem as though it went up about a week ago? I feel as though I’ve been sucked into some kind of space/time vortex! Oh well. Some nice new discoveries, this month, including the excellent exfoliating facial pads from First Aid Beauty (thanks for that tip-off, Caroline…

morning skincare beauty routine
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My Morning Skincare Routine (with Caroline Hirons)

Another “dastardly duo” video with Caroline Hirons; this time it’s my morning skincare routine. (You can see Caroline’s one here.) I must explain in advance that when I went to film the first set of videos with Caroline, we weren’t quite sure exactly what we were going to film and so I didn’t have some of the products from my…