The Glass-Penised Gnome: How (Not) To Use A Pipette
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The Glass-Penised Gnome: How (Not) To Use A Pipette

This trend for the dribbling of skincare products directly onto the face really bemuses me. Ditto foundation dribbling. Pipettes are enough of a faff to use when you drop the product into the palm of your hand, why on earth would you ever attempt to pipe the product straight onto your face? Nobody does this in real…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Face by Pixiwoo

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Face by Pixiwoo

If you’ve ever dilly-dallied with the idea of buying a makeup manual, a sort of “how-to” of face-painting, then Face by Pixiwoo should be the one that you go for. A million miles away from the cringe-worthy tomes that were available when I was in my late teens and desperate for some sort of cosmetics advice, this beautiful book covers everything…

sali hughes in the bathroom

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Look Who’s In My Bathroom

Two very long videos for you, perfect viewing for a lazy Sunday afternoon. I feel honoured to be part of Sali Hughes’ In The Bathroom series, where she pokes about in people’s cupboards and drawers and manages to conduct rather in-depth interviews all at the same time… If you ever wanted a “crash course in Crilly” then…

sali hughes beauty companion

Sali Hughes: Your Straight-Talking Beauty Companion

Well here’s your Christmas shopping completely sorted; beauty journalist Sal Hughes’ new book, Pretty Honest, is available to pre-order. Get one of these for each and every girlfriend, for your Mum, for your sister and your boyfriend’s sister, for Auntie Jeanette and Mrs Hamblewick the pre-school teacher, for Kirsty up in Scotland and Babs who moved to…