best weather app

Sunday Tittle Tattle: My Riveting Experiment

Slightly misleading title, depending on how you take it; My Riveting Experiment is a tongue-in-cheek reference to a stupid little project I’ve had on the go this week regarding weather apps. I haven’t been pinning together sheets of metal with actual rivets, nor have I been dabbling in a bit of shipbuilding. Imagine. So if…

hush camellia dress

Snails In My Hair

It’s true what they say: never work with children or animals. And never try to do anything – work or otherwise – when it’s hot and tempers (as well as temperatures) are high. All I wanted was a nice picture of myself in my new summery frock, something to make me feel a bit better…

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Current Skincare Routine: Spring 2017

I’ve updated my skincare routine; firstly because we’re moving into the warmer months and there’s the inevitable extra sun exposure, and secondly because I’m no longer pregnant and my skin is far less sensitive. I’ve started to add stronger and more active products into my routine and I’ve upped the antioxidants to give a bit of extra protection…

A New Arrival…

For those who don’t follow me on Twitter or Instagram, an important update: New Baby has arrived! A boy! He was delivered on Friday 3rd February weighing in at 9lbs 7oz and he is just absolutely perfect in every single way. (Not the seventy eight thousand kilos I was led to expect, but then I suppose…

pregnancy announcement

Two New Things

I warned you that it was all go until Christmas: two new things for you to get excited about. If you like babies. If you don’t like babies and would rather prong your eyeballs out with a fork than look at pictures of them, videos of them or read any kind of chat about them, this…