newborn baby

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Babies, Breasts and Scheduled Posts!

Hello everyone: just stopping by quickly to make sure you’re all OK and not missing me too much! Hopefully the majority of you won’t have even noticed my absence, because I spent the majority of my pregnancy scheduling content so that I could have a nice, relaxed maternity leave without sacrificing your regular A Model Recommends reading…

stretch mark prevention
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Beautiful Oils for Supple Skin and Help with Stretch Marks…

I mentioned this on the “affordable” stretch marks roundup, but I’ll repeat: I know that beauty people are divided in their opinion of stretch mark oils. Or just the use of body oils in general to prevent stretch marks. From my own personal viewpoint, I have no scientific evidence that they work but I kind…

pregnancy skincare tips
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Pregnancy Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin…

This video was originally entitled “Pregnancy Skincare Habits I’m Keeping!” but it was all a bit sensational and you know how I like to stay low-key… So we’re onto Pregnancy Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin, which is very accurate because my skin has been glowing like a beacon since Christmas, with not a blemish in sight. Of…

Pregnancy Week 40

Please see “why the rush?” for many of my feelings on Pregnancy Week 40; my time seems to be massively taken up with looking for gross signs of labour such as the loss of the mucus plug. Give me strength. I was hoping that I’d get a relaxing week in before the baby made an appearance…

Pregnancy Week 39

Just drafting out a few sentences here, in case I go into labour before I write a proper diary entry! If this cuts off at a weird point, without a photo, then I’ve more than likely gone into labour without being able to amend it. I’m scheduling for this Saturday so it will publish whatever…

Pregnancy Week 38

This week has been mostly fuelled by vast amounts of refined sugar. I know. It makes me feel terribly guilty, but I just don’t seem to be able to stop myself from reaching for the sweets, the Coca Cola, the ice lollies. The simple remedy would be not to buy them, but it’s like an unstoppable…

Pregnancy Week 37

Crikey! Full term. I’m 38 weeks tomorrow and – as all and sundry keep telling me – the baby could come at any time. It had better not, though, because I still have loads of work to do! I reckon by Wednesday I’ll be done and dusted and ready to relax, but that goalpost has…

Pregnancy Week 36

Full term tomorrow! Argh! You’ll be pleased to know that I’m starting to get myself organised with baby stuff. I have vests. I have a nappy. (One. It came free in this weird NHS pack I got handed at my last appointment. But one is better than none, surely?) I have breast pads, maternity pads,…