how to unstuff your nose

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Mouth Breathing and the Cone of Shame

1) I have spent an entire week breathing through my mouth because I still have the world’s most persistent cold. Honestly, it’s becoming very distracting. I’ve taken to sipping water every five seconds to stop the inside of my throat drying out – I feel like I need to install a kind of mini sprinkler system in…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Wally, Waldo and Visible Germ Trajectories

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Wally, Waldo and Visible Germ Trajectories

1) I’m featured in Red Magazine Online this week talking about top beauty tips. You can take a little look here – just a small mention, but I’m always happy to pop up in magazines and I hardly ever remember to tell anyone about it! So yes, Red Magazine, beauty tip, here. 2) Short and…

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

1) I don’t even like Nutella that much*, but I love the idea that you can personalise your own jar! I found this little gift idea when I was browsing about on the newly re-launched Selfridges website (they have a “favourites” button now so that you can save things to your wishlist as you go along, and…

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Dan’s Art and Brushing Pets

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Dan’s Art and Brushing Pets

1) My big brother Dan is currently exhibiting his art work at Bold Street Coffee in Liverpool. If you are in the area, then please do pop in and have a look! He has also finally put some of his pieces online – here’s his website: And here’s the man himself, posing in front of his paintings (above)….

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Naughty Knickers and Lying Down

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Naughty Knickers and Lying Down

1) I am mostly spending the weekend lying down, reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. (It’s mammoth. I spend hours at a time lost in it only to find that I’ve hardly made a dent. If you order it, then I’d recommend the Kindle version – I’m getting muscly wrists from propping up the hardback!) Last…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Special Lipsticks and a Novel Mention

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Special Lipsticks and a Novel Mention

1) Winners of the Max Factor lipsticks (limited edition! Only three five made! By me!) are: Tessa (Tbblogger), Catriona May and Grace (grace084). And because Max Factor sent me a grand total of FIVE Cherry on the Top lipsticks, I am happy to announce that there are two bonus winners, Emma Bradford (emma_loub) and “debzcm911”! You should all…