ruth crilly beauty blog

Clarins Joli Rouge and Face-Changing Lipstick Shades

I was sat testing out about ten thousand different shades from Clarins’ new Joli Rouge lipstick collection (as you do) and it struck me how absolutely face-changing certain lip colours can be. A tone only needs to be slightly “off” for your skin to suddenly look sickly and pale or slightly jaundiced or ruddy and flushed. But get…

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Special Lipsticks and a Novel Mention

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Special Lipsticks and a Novel Mention

1) Winners of the Max Factor lipsticks (limited edition! Only three five made! By me!) are: Tessa (Tbblogger), Catriona May and Grace (grace084). And because Max Factor sent me a grand total of FIVE Cherry on the Top lipsticks, I am happy to announce that there are two bonus winners, Emma Bradford (emma_loub) and “debzcm911”! You should all…

ruth crilly lipstick making

Crilly and the Cosmetics Factory: When Imaginations Run Riot.

Last month (oh good God, I’ve just realised that it could have been the month before, which is absolutely terrible! I’m so bad at keeping on top of my posts!) I was invited by Clarins to take a tour of their headquarters, including the manufacturing plant and the development labs. Obviously I jumped at the chance –…