Sunday Tittle Tattle: Ray Donovan and the Sabotaged Sleep Routine

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Ray Donovan and the Sabotaged Sleep Routine

After last week’s Sleeplessness post I tried to make some serious changes to my bedtime routine. Thank you, by the way, for all of your amazing comments – I was really rather touched that so many of you took the time to share your experiences and give advice. And as last week’s post was so well-read, I…

Almonds: My Health and Beauty Snack Swap | AD

Almonds: My Health and Beauty Snack Swap | AD

Recently I wrote about my new healthy eating tips, or rules, that were part of my general diet overhaul. After a rather extended “babymoon”, in which I had been eating incredibly naughty things with the excuse that I needed extra calories for breastfeeding, I decided that enough was enough. The handfuls of Haribo and nightly chocolate ice-cream were all fun…

healthy model lunch recipes

Fridge Scraps Pasta: Goat’s Cheese and Juicy Cherry Tomatoes

A quick throw-together recipe for a goat’s cheese, cherry tomato and basil penne dish – or, as I like to call it, Fridge Scraps Pasta. The first name is probably more appetising, but it seems only fair to refer to this recipe as to what it really is, which is a hunger-panicked chuck-it-all-in-the-pan affair. I seem…

nutribullet pro 900 review

NutriBullet 900 Pro: The Ultimate Healthy Smoothie Maker

And so, when I had only just got my head around the idea of juicing, something else was thrown into the mix: blending. As in smoothies. (But not the mango and papaya sweet-as-you-like things you can buy with your croissants in the morning; we’re talking very green and very healthy smoothies, here. Spinach and spring greens and avocados and blended-up…

healthy eating diet regime

Farewell, Délice Framboise – Hello Chickpeas…

After three days of relentless face-stuffing in Paris, I am well and truly ready to kickstart my healthy eating plan again. Actually, there is no plan and there never really has been – I just try to not eat platefuls of pasta and macaroons and huge baguettes filled with jambon et fromage – but I have a few…