My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2020

My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2020

Looking for the ultimate easy, not-too-expensive, seemingly-thoughtful Christmas present? I have the answer! I had the answer last year too, so this is an updated 2020 version: it’s the books ‘n chocolate gift. Comes in unlimited combinations, is widely available and won’t break the bank. You may be thinking (if you didn’t read last year’s…

Weekly Christmas Shop: Gorgeous Gifts for Under £10

Weekly Christmas Shop: Gorgeous Gifts for Under £10

The Weekly Window Shop is being temporarily replaced with the Weekly Christmas Shop – there’ll be something festive each week to get you started with your shopping or give you a few handy ideas. Call it a gift guide, call it present p*rn: just know I have it all covered. You don’t even need to leave the sofa. We begin…

Ruth Crilly A Model Recommends

A Dozen Red Roses. Kinda.

My hypocrisy knows no bounds: I moan about people ‘cashing in’ on Valentine’s yet I always expect a present. Or at least a card. I won’t apologise for this, it’s just one of my many personality defects. As a lover of all things rose-scented, I thought that I’d put together a collection of suitably romantic…

Gifts for Men

Gifts for Men

Phew. The last gift guide. They have utterly exhausted me! Or I am just exhausted anyway – who knows? The men’s is the shortest because I always find it really difficult to buy for men – most of them don’t really seem that bothered what they get half the time! On the other hand, Mr…