The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Nutella and Forgotten Dresses

1) I don’t even like Nutella that much*, but I love the idea that you can personalise your own jar! I found this little gift idea when I was browsing about on the newly re-launched Selfridges website (they have a “favourites” button now so that you can save things to your wishlist as you go along, and…

colab hair products
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Colab Dry Shampoo – The “Thank You” Giveaway!

Sorry to my Daily Fix subscribers; this post should have made it into your inboxes yesterday, but I was transferring some video files and my internet had a meltdown. It can’t handle anything more taxing than sending an email attachment, so trying to transfer 1.5GB of video just about killed it off. But anyway, here we are,…

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Naughty Knickers and Lying Down

The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Naughty Knickers and Lying Down

1) I am mostly spending the weekend lying down, reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. (It’s mammoth. I spend hours at a time lost in it only to find that I’ve hardly made a dent. If you order it, then I’d recommend the Kindle version – I’m getting muscly wrists from propping up the hardback!) Last…