My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2020

My Ultimate Easy Christmas Gift: 2020

Looking for the ultimate easy, not-too-expensive, seemingly-thoughtful Christmas present? I have the answer! I had the answer last year too, so this is an updated 2020 version: it’s the books ‘n chocolate gift. Comes in unlimited combinations, is widely available and won’t break the bank. You may be thinking (if you didn’t read last year’s…

alice in wonderland beauty

Beauty in Wonderland: Feast Your Eyes

I appear to have developed a penchant for the sort of beauty packaging that looks as though it’s come straight from the set of an Alice in Wonderland film. I’ve become a real sucker for vintage-style perfume bottles, interesting pots, dainty tins, jars with fancy lids and anything that might look fabulous on my fantasy dressing table….

very early christmas

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Christmas Comes (Really Really) Early

I’ve had a very odd week in which I’ve found myself plunged, rather prematurely, into a state of Christmas excitement. It started with the delivery of a pre-lit Christmas tree from Next (I can highly recommend one of these if you hate pine needles dropping everywhere and also can’t be bothered with the rigmarole of detangling your…

Weekly Christmas Shop: Gorgeous Gifts for Under £10

Weekly Christmas Shop: Gorgeous Gifts for Under £10

The Weekly Window Shop is being temporarily replaced with the Weekly Christmas Shop – there’ll be something festive each week to get you started with your shopping or give you a few handy ideas. Call it a gift guide, call it present p*rn: just know I have it all covered. You don’t even need to leave the sofa. We begin…

Luxury Candle Sets: Not For Sharing

Luxury Candle Sets: Not For Sharing

Some great candle sets for you here; but don’t think you can start divvying them up into little individual stocking fillers. Oh no. These were not made for sharing: they are little boxes of pure, selfish candle indulgence, each fragrance carefully chosen so that you have a kind of “scent experience” going on*. Take, for example, the Jo Malone…

Vlogmas Week 2!

Vlogmas Week 2!

Here’s Vlogmas Week 2, for those of you who are following my December video diary. I went to two Christmas parties and moaned a lot about how tired I was, but then when I edited my video I took all of the moaning out. Nobody likes a moaner. I don’t like a moaner. But I should tell you,…