
Five Things That Will Happen After You’ve Given Birth

Five things that will (ok, might) happen after you’ve given birth. Now look, I’ve had two c-sections and so I’m no expert on things that happen to the female form after a vaginal birth, but I’ve read (and heard) enough stories to know that the below occur on an almost universal basis, no matter how the…


Ask the Midwife!

Possibly my best post-partum discovery so far: an app called Ask the Midwife. Strictly speaking it’s not a post-partum discovery, as I was told about it a month or so ago by an app developer I’ve been conversing with, but I’ve used it a few times since New Baby’s birth and it’s absolutely brilliant. I don’t know about…


My C-Section Recovery

I thought I’d write a little about my c-section recovery, at least for the first week. I’ve had loads of people asking me questions about it, some who are booked in for caesarean sections themselves and want to be prepared! I’m always a bit wary when people ask me about my “birth experience” or what…

newborn baby

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Babies, Breasts and Scheduled Posts!

Hello everyone: just stopping by quickly to make sure you’re all OK and not missing me too much! Hopefully the majority of you won’t have even noticed my absence, because I spent the majority of my pregnancy scheduling content so that I could have a nice, relaxed maternity leave without sacrificing your regular A Model Recommends reading…