Sunday Tittle Tattle: Ray Donovan and the Sabotaged Sleep Routine

Sunday Tittle Tattle: Ray Donovan and the Sabotaged Sleep Routine

After last week’s Sleeplessness post I tried to make some serious changes to my bedtime routine. Thank you, by the way, for all of your amazing comments – I was really rather touched that so many of you took the time to share your experiences and give advice. And as last week’s post was so well-read, I…

fragrance review daisy dream

Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream Forever

Not having been particularly enamoured with any of the previous “Daisy” fragrances from Marc Jacobs (love the bottles, always found the scents to be a bit “young”, which I suppose is probably bang-on for the target market) I surprised myself by really liking the new one, Daisy Dream Forever. It’s warm and comforting, rich and fruity….