charlotte tilbury hollywood flawless filter review

Foundation Review: Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter

(links marked * are affiliate links, for more info see disclaimer below post) I’ve found this review surprisingly difficult to write considering that this is one of the very best makeup products I’ve used in years. I think it’s perhaps because I’m not quite sure where to place Charlotte Tilbury’s Hollywood Flawless Filter; is it…

Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer Tint Review
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The Protecting, Tinting, Hydrating, Face-Finishing Moisturizer. Phew.

Writing my last skincare post, the one where I talk about trying to find an SPF that my Mum will wear, reminded me that I had, in fact, made rather a nice discovery when I was at her house the other weekend. I was rootling about in her bedside drawers, as you do (does anyone…

tom ford girls and boys scarlett

My Love Returns…

It has been rather a slow start to the year, beauty-wise; I talked at length (ish) about burnouts and brain freeze last month, but I shall recap briefly for those who missed it. In very simple terms, I suppose that I reached my limit with juggling work and moving house and trying to look after…

alice in wonderland beauty

Beauty in Wonderland: Feast Your Eyes

I appear to have developed a penchant for the sort of beauty packaging that looks as though it’s come straight from the set of an Alice in Wonderland film. I’ve become a real sucker for vintage-style perfume bottles, interesting pots, dainty tins, jars with fancy lids and anything that might look fabulous on my fantasy dressing table….

Skincare for New Mums

Skincare for New Mums (or Dads, let’s not discriminate) – but the sorts of products I discuss, here, are suitable for virtually every skin type. Knackered skin, stressed skin, sensitive skin, dull skin – basically the sort of skin that you start to get when you become a parent. Ha! If your skin has gone…