Shardlake, Mad Men and the World’s Fastest Clothing Delivery…

Shardlake, Mad Men and the World’s Fastest Clothing Delivery…

1) I have finally weaned myself off Elementary. OK, that’s a lie: I watched all available episodes of Elementary and then had to stop because there were no more to watch. Which kind of amounts to the same thing, doesn’t it? Surely. Anyway, as a result of my weaning I have been back to the book-reading, full pelt, and this…

ruth crilly fashion model winter coat
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Buying a Winter Coat? Read this First…

And here it is; the Fluffy Coat and Faux Fur lookbook. Do not buy a winter coat until you’ve seen these beauties; they’re warm, comfortable and totally on-trend (if you bother with that kind of thing!) and work equally well worn casually as they do thrown over something smart. I’ve already told you about the Unreal Fur coats (see…

ruth crilly fashion model blogger

The Sicilian Woman Scorned: My Dolce & Gabbana Inspired Look

Today I have been playing the “Sicilian Woman Scorned” in my Dolce & Gabbana inspired outfit. I absolutely adore the ad campaigns that Dolce & Gabbana release every season; there’s just something so sexy and womanly about the way that they style things and the whole “pencil skirt, nipped-in waist and undone blouse” look never really…

ruth crilly model oasis spotted shirt blouse
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Mad Pets, Lots of Shoes and my Oasis Spotty Blouse.

I think that this spotted blouse from Oasis is probably one of the best things I’ll buy this spring. (I know it’s not actually spring yet, but fashion works in mysterious (stupid) ways, forcing us to buy bikinis when it’s snowing and so on and so forth.) But anyway, the blouse; it’s just gorgeous. The…