Surprise Polaroids on Google Images!
I am at a total loss as to when these polaroids were taken! I absolutely love the outfit! It’s a shame that I’ve kind of shrunk that skirt – maybe I’ll dig it out and see if I can re-shape it. It’s weird though; I have a complete memory fail when it comes to these photographs. I was Googling myself to find a picture of my nose (don’t ask) and up came these – I thought hey-up, cheeky – what are you doing on my images page? And then I realised that it was, in fact, me.
These pics are from the polaroid page of one of my foreign agencies – MD Management in Germany. Have a little look if you like, I’ve linked below. It’s quite a slick portfolio, I like it a lot!
(Don’t believe everything you read about my measurements, by the way. Wink-wink nudge-nudge. They are circa 2001!)
Shirt is from Abercrombie and Fitch. Shoes were from Dorothy Perkins, I think… Skirt was Whistles. Watch by Rolex. Little necklace was from Start London. Can’t remember what pants I had on, but if it comes back to me I’ll let you know. (Joke.)
I think, for these polaroids, I must have been told to look ladylike. Because usually I’m in jeans and a vest top. Maybe I should do a little post or video about what to wear for model polaroids – lots of people have asked and it’s easier to show rather than tell… I’ll add it to the list!