Sunday Walk in the Snow
Illness update: I am still quite unwell. It’s starting to do my head in a bit now, but I think (please, please) that I’m now on the mend. I hope so, because I have to fly to Vienna later for a catalogue shoot tomorrow and that will not be fun if I’m not 100%!
In other news: we have snow in London. Quite a lot of it here in the East – I measured a depth of about four inches with my highly scientific handspan method! Yesterday, having been cooped up since the previous Thursday, I decided to walk Mr AMR in the park. Haha. He gets a little bit overexcited in the snow and tried to throw a snowball at me that was literally the size of my head, but as he aimed I shot him on of my death-glares and miraculously it dropped to the floor.
Here I am in my classic ‘snow’ get-up: Hunter wellington boots (N.B. these do not keep your feet warm), Zara blue jeans (my saggy-knee ones that I save for outdoorsy things!) and my Marc Jacobs parka. One of the best coats that I have ever bought – $650 well spent! If you’re ever in NYC and passing through Jacobs-ville (ie Bleecker Street) then pop into Marc Jacobs and see if they still have any of these parkas left. They do them in grey and I think black, too – I have literally not taken mine off since I bought it just over a year ago.
My snood is from Hobbs – I always wear a snood in the snow rather than a scarf as it’s one less thing for me to worry about. I have to concentrate very hard when walking on icy surfaces as I have an absolute phobia of slipping over, so scarves that can unravel and trip me up are a total no-no! The hat is rather unfortunate; it makes me look like a little old man, I think. You may just be able to make out the pompom on top, it really is a sad state of affairs. But worth it for warm ears, and a necessary evil when you’re a bit under the weather!
Right, sorry for this ‘cheat’ post – we’ll be back to beauty soon, I promise. I’m just trying to gather up some steam!