Sunday Tittle Tattle: Netflix and Snax
I’ve developed a potentially dangerous habit: snacking whilst Netflix-ing. I say “snacking” as though there’s a whole variety of snacks that I choose from, but – though I eat pretty healthily throughout the day – my evening snack is limited to one particular thing.
I’m loathe to mention what it is, because, quite frankly, I had expected Unilever to make me some sort of Magnum spokesmodel or poster girl by now and I’m pretty sore about the fact that they’ve completely ignored my hints. The amount of times I’ve mentioned their bloody ice creams on Twitter, good God! They’re missing a trick – I could totally do that seductive thing where they bite into the ice cream and all the chocolate cracks just so, and they take a bite and it all stays really neat, as though a robot has bitten into it. Actually I lie: I couldn’t bite into it neatly. Nobody can, because it’s nigh on impossible. To bite into a Magnum is to be sure that a) you are not wearing anything white and b) you have the senses of a sniffer dog when it comes to tracking down errant shards of fast-melting chocolate.
Anyway, I do have a low-level addiction to Magnums – if we have them in the freezer, I will think about the moment I can sit down on the sofa and unwrap one all day long. It’s terrible.
And the addiction is sort of twofold; I’ll only eat a Magnum if we’re watching something on Netflix (or Amazon Prime for Ray Donovan and Elementary; Now TV (Billions, Westworld); straightforward Apple TV (new film trailers); iPlayer (The Fall), 4OD (last resort) and if we really can’t find anything at all, we’ll bite the bullet and turn on normal telly) and I’ll only really want to watch something on Netflix if I know I have a Magnum to look forward to.
This makes it sound like we watch a lot of TV: we don’t. It’s just that we’ve got back into the habit of doing an hour or two most nights, to unwind, and for some reason this – for me, at least – goes hand-in-hand with chomping on a Magnum. My ultimate comfort duo. You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve downgraded to Mini Magnums rather than the gargantuan full-sized ones which take about three hours to eat and weigh in at around five kilos. And I don’t have one every night – it was just on Friday and Saturday nights, and I do try to stick to that, but. Y’know. People keep going on about kale and quinoa and it makes me quietly rebellious. Stick your kale, I’m off to Netflix and Snax!
*UPDATE: we’ve just finished Billions (with Damien Lewis – it’s excellent) and so no more telly for a while. I’m trying to get through The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O’Farrell and I don’t want any more distractions.
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