Sunday Tittle Tattle: Face by Pixiwoo

Face by Pixiwoo book review

If you’ve ever dilly-dallied with the idea of buying a makeup manual, a sort of “how-to” of face-painting, then Face by Pixiwoo should be the one that you go for. A million miles away from the cringe-worthy tomes that were available when I was in my late teens and desperate for some sort of cosmetics advice, this beautiful book covers everything from eyebrow maintenance to picking the right foundation to making your blemishes disappear.

Face by Pixiwoo book review

I should mention that it’s written by two of my very good friends, Sam and Nic Chapman, women I admire tremendously for their obvious talent as makeup artists but also for their relentless hard work and ability to keep on building their successful Pixiwoo brand. If you’re already Pixiwoo fans then this book is a must – filled with anecdotes and Q&As and charming personal touches – if you’re not familiar with the girls then I urge you to check out their Youtube channel here.

Face by Pixiwoo book review

But I don’t actually think that it matters a jot whether you’re au fait or not with the Pixiwoo back-catalogue of makeup tutorials; this book is so well put-together and so packed with beautiful imagery that it’s just a joy to read. I started to flick through it on Friday night as soon as it arrived, thinking I’d just have a quick dip into it before reading properly the next day, but I sat at the kitchen table and read it from cover to cover. The only thing I didn’t do was download the free app that accompanies the book (gives you loads of video content and demos to bring the makeup tips to life) but that was because I was so engrossed I didn’t want to go upstairs and get my iPhone!

Face by Pixiwoo book review

Face was released last week and it is currently £10 for the hardback on Amazon here. I can see it topping many people’s Christmas wish-lists this year and rightfully so.

NB: this post was supposed to have a review of Sali Hughes new book, Pretty Iconic, too, but someone has mysteriously moved my copy and I have been searching the house frantically for it all weekend! I’m on it – watch this space.

Read more Sunday Tittle Tattles…

Before I forget: OM Skincare winners. The big prize winner this time is April (aswieconrk), who wins the full skincare set. and the four runners-up each winning the boosters are Marianne Berends, Grace Turner, Maryse Groen and Anna (tannawarren). Well done to the winners – you’ll be contacted directly by the PR next week – and thank you to everyone who entered. There will be another excellent giveaway soon.

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