The Sunday Tittle Tattle: Crying, Buying, Reading, Sleeping
1) Crying: oh God, the John Lewis Christmas advert. It gets me every single year. This one didn’t catch me out until quite near the end, but I still had to go for a little “quiet moment” afterwards and re-do my eye makeup. A lot of people online have voiced their disappointment with this year’s effort; I’m personally satisfied with pretty much anything that gets me in the festive spirit! Carols are my favourite Christmas thing, but it’s a bit too early for them yet, isn’t it? You can watch the new John Lewis ad below:
2) Buying: Harvey Nichols have a 25% discount running this weekend on AW14 Fashion and Accessories, both instore and online. If you had some luxury items in mind for Christmas presents then it might pay to be organised and get things done early! The code is HNFRIEND25 and you can use it here.
3) Reading: I loved this piece that Tom Cox wrote for The Guardian. It’s about his Dad, logs and cats. It made me laugh so much that I went straight onto Amazon and bought Tom’s new book, The Good, The Bad and The Furry. I hadn’t ever heard of Tom before, but I had been following @MYSADCAT on Twitter and now I realise that Tom is the man behind the cat. I love it when important facts such as these become clear to me…
4) Sleeping: the pets, as usual! Here’s Mr Bear, who found my handbag and decided it made quite a satisfactory pillow. And Dexter, having a rare and illegal snuggle on my bed. Don’t tell Mr AMR…