Sunday Tittle Tattle: Emails and Exhaustion
I feel absolutely exhausted this week! Here I am with Dexter the Dog having a collapsed moment on the sofa – Baby AMR was in her bouncer watching some kind of manic baby counting video on Youtube and so I seized the opportunity to stare out of the window for a few minutes. (I know some people might say this is terrible parenting, but for my sanity I had to do something to keep her amused for a moment! Though having some weirdo singing “baby animals, baby animals, there are all kinds of baby animals, it’s great to be a baby animal,” in the background is not at all conducive to a successful mini-meditation session.)
I’ve been doing a bit of admin with regards to the daily email; it seems that lots of people are getting a weirdly-shaped email if they read on the latest iPhone. I’ve spent ages on “live chat” trying to sort it out, but I think that it may just be one of those things that gets ironed out with the next Apple update. If you’d like to receive posts by email and/or get my occasional newsletters (planning to finally get one of these out before Christmas!) then you can subscribe here.
In attempting to fix the email formatting problem I inadvertently turned off the updates and so subscribers might see three posts in today’s Daily Fix! If you can only see one post, this one, then make sure you go back and read the review on Peter Thomas Roth’s Pumpkin Enzyme Mask because it’s a bit of a skincare rave and I wouldn’t want you to miss it! You can go straight to that post by clicking here.