Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) It has been an incredibly busy week, this week; I am absolutely pooped! You know when your legs are kind of buzzing with a weird energy and you can’t relax? It’s as though you’ve gone past the point of tiredness and can’t properly wind down? I have been trying to get rid of the weird energy feeling with my various cooling products that I have stashed away. One of them is a cream called Legology Air-Lite. It’s actually supposed to be for pepping up tired legs, not helping you to relax them, but I’ve been following the massage instructions and it’s all very calming and comforting. A great “hot weather” product, and it smells divine, though it’s very pricey – quite a specialist, beauty obsessive kind of buy! (You can find it here at Liberty.) Other leg coolers that have been getting my vote: l’Occitane’s Lighter Legs and Liz Earle’s Foot Spritzer. I’d actually say that Liz Earle’s Foot Spritzer is one of my all-time favourite summer products – nothing compares for instant cooling. You can find it online here – it costs £7.75.
2) This week I have been doing some catching up on blog-reading and vlog-watching (lots of time spent in the hair stylist’s chair!) and I have been chuckling away at Adam Barker’s posts on He does a series called #MASHION where he tries to understand the world of fashion and beauty blogging. I love hearing about beauty from an alternative perspective, and Adam has a way of being able to really make fun of things but in quite a kind and lighthearted way. Here are his thoughts on “Contouring”, but the post that first caught my eye was a fake interview with Gwyneth Paltrow. It really gave me the giggles in the same way that reading Holy Moly does, though I’ve eased off my Holy Moly habit over the past few years because I don’t watch telly or read magazines and haven’t got a clue who most of the celebs are that they talk about! Anyway, I really must keep up with my blog reading – there’s so much great stuff out there and people work so hard to create it. Which blogs do you read? Please pop your suggestions in the comments box so that I can make a shortlist! And if you’re a beauty or fashion blogger and would like to collaborate with Adam’s #MASHION posts, drop him a tweet @BarkerPodcasts
3) I’m so sorry, I have still to trawl through the comments for the Effaclar skincare testing opportunities. There are hundreds of entries and I need to apply my random picking system, but I also want to make sure that I get people of different ages, too. Thankfully, nearly everyone has given me a little thesis on their skin and so on – I shall spend a few hours reading them and get back to you tomorrow!
4) Pets. I had more pets than usual, this week, and not by choice! I stupidly left the window open in my en suite all night with the light on and in the morning it was absolutely full of moths. I’m not usually creeped out too much by insects, but they were just all over the place and bumbling about like drunken old men. One fell in my hair when I went to the loo! I made a little collage of some of the different varieties (below), in case anyone is interested. (There were lots of “EW!” and “GROSS!” comments on Instagram when I posted this up.) Mr Bear and Dexter had great fun clearing up the insect farm – I turned my back for two minutes (to get some paper and funnel them all out of the window) and when I came back in there was one lone moth, in the shower tray, about to be the last one to be eaten. (See above.) Oh dear.