Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) Thank you ever so much to all of the lovely ladies who stopped by to see me last week, both at the Liberty London event and the Charlotte Tilbury counter launch at Selfridges in Birmingham. I can’t tell you how brilliant it is to be able to put faces to names and get to know you a bit – I must try and do these meetup sessions more often. With a massive stash of cough sweets to hand, because I always end up losing my voice from chatting so much!
2) Yoga. I am getting really into it. Yesterday morning I spent an hour doing some yoga with my Mum before I even had breakfast! My Mum has taught yoga for nearly forty years and I hadn’t really taken much of an interest until now (stupidly) but…wow. It’s quite astounding just how much it can help you to relax and to focus and have a positive mental attitude. I’m currently putting some posts together about my new “fitness” philosophy, so stay tuned for those…
3) A news story I liked this week: Hero Cat Saves Kid. I found it quite amazing. A little boy was on his bike and the neighbour’s dog started to attack him – the cat chased off the dog! You can watch the CNN video here:
4) I can’t imagine Mr Bear ever moving that fast to save anything – though he did shoot across the room to play with my laces when I was taking my trainers off… Oh: I still haven’t managed to start my Celebrities with Facial Expressions like my Cat series, but I have to say that there were a few who begged me not to. “Too much cat!” they screamed. “Too much dog!” What do you think? Let me know in the comments – the Celebrities with Hair like my Dog feature was incredibly well-read (more than many beauty posts!) so I suppose I should take note of that…