Sunday Tittle Tattle

cult beauty competition ruth crilly

1) Apologies to those who entered the Cult Beauty giveaway and were expecting their code; there was a slight delay. I think that the official emails will come from Cult Beauty next week, but if you can’t wait that long then the code for the 10% discount is TREAT10. The website is here. The winner of the giveaway was Mrs Gail Blood – Gail please let me know if you haven’t been contacted already by Cult Beauty, and congratulations! 

ruth crilly sali hughes selfridges

2) You may have seen some press already surrounding the huge Beauty Project that Selfridges are running next month. It’s a very interesting concept; a celebration of beauty, but also an in-depth, ongoing discussion of the different aspects of beauty and how our perceptions of beauty are formed. The event is going to be pretty much taking over the stores at Oxford Street and in Birmingham and Manchester from the 1st of May until 12th of June, with special talks and exclusive in-store services and product selections. I’m delighted to be joining beauty writer Sali Hughes in one of the talks; “Beauty: Good or Bad for our Body Image?” which will be on the 20th May at the London Oxford Street store. It should be a very good evening – columnist Hadley Freeman is also on the panel and model and fashionista Felicity Hayward. Tickets to the event cost £15 and you can get them through Eventbrite – for more info on the Beauty Project, take a look at the Selfridges website. (Image above borrowed from Sali Hughes’ Instagram – to follow her, click here.)

mr bear british shorthair

3) Pets. Argh – I haven’t taken any pet photos this week! That’s how busy it has been. You’ll have to make do with a couple from the archives: above, we have evil-eye cat. Below, ditzy, shaggy-haired dog. More pics (or not, as is the case this week!) on Instagram.

dexter cockapoo puppy

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