1) Viviscal (makers of brilliant hair supplements) are conducting a worldwide hair census, finding out the true meaning of a good hair day. (For me, a good hair day is pretty much any day that I’ve made enough effort to actually release my hair from the usual ballerina bun, but I can imagine that it means something different to everyone.) For every person that completes the survey, Viviscal will donate £1 to Look Good Feel Better, a charity that helps to improve the self-confidence and wellbeing of people going through cancer treatment. I’ve heard many incredible reports about Look Good Feel Better and the support that they give to women and teenagers during such a difficult time so if you could pop on over and take part in the census then that would be marvellous! viviscalhairconfessions.com
2) On the subject of hair confessions: mine needs a cut. Most definitely. I haven’t done anything to it since George Northwood gave it a chop earlier this year! I’m toying (again) with the idea of a fringe, but (at the risk of boring you all to tears) can’t decide. People with fringes mostly seem to talk about how they’re growing out their fringes, which never seems to bode well. What do you think? Are there any proper long-term fringers out there?
3) Cat in a cabinet. Casual as you like. It’s supposed to be for my fragrance collection!