Sunday Tittle Tattle

mr bear british shorthair cat

1) I’m writing this one way in advance – nearly a whole week! – for fear that I will get to my new country residence and be stuck without internet. It’s funny – I am almost obsessional about making sure that one post goes out a day here on A Model Recommends. If there’s a gap then weird things start happening inside my head and I feel as though the world might fall apart. I suppose as a freelancer you need to have some kind of framework to stick to otherwise you’d spend five days of the week sat in your tracksuit watching TV and eating cereal straight from the box and then two days frantically trying to get everything done that you should have done during the week. It’d get emotional, I expect. So yes, I’m here typing away making sure that there are some emergency posts that I can publish in case I get thrown back to the pre-internet era. Scary thought.

2) Moving on! ASOS have a mid-season sale on, up to 50%. Including things from Whistles, which is a bit of a boon! I really like this Noel dress. You can find the sale here. I may have indulged, but I couldn’t possibly say either way as I’m supposed to be saving for things like bricks and boilers and roof insulation. (Hint: I have.)

3) I’m re-building the website over the course of the next few months (without internet? Optimistic, eh?) and I’d like to get your opinion on a couple of things. First one is images. I have slipped into the habit of using images with an Instagram filter over them because I think they look pretty and stylish but the downside is that you lose quite a lot of the image quality. I’ve popped two examples below (me, wearing Chanel’s Superstition collection which will be in tomorrow’s post) and the first is with filter, the second is an unadulterated image. Tell me in the comments, which do you prefer – number one, or number two?

makeup chanel superstition

chanel superstition fall collection makeup

What are you voting? I can’t decide. With a filter the image looks more stylish and finished to me, but there’s more detail in the second and the colours are truer… Oh, decisions…

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