Sunday Tittle Tattle

paul and joe cat lipstick

1) With just ten days to go until dissertation “D-Day” I have found that my brain is increasingly unresponsive to anything that isn’t cute and frivolous. It’s as though my mind has had enough of serious matters (narrative devices, literary theory and so on) and simply wants to go to sleep in a hammock. Or drink a large glass of wine. See point 2:

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2) Yes, my friends. This is where I want to be – Santorini – and that is what I want to have in my right hand. A humungous glass of wine. When I hand in this bloody dissertation, I was thinking that I might have a Google Hangout Celebration and we can all toast my deadline together! (Does anyone actually use Google Hangout or Google Plus? Or is it just another one of those things that we have to try and get our heads around. It’s bad enough trying to work a Facebook page! Let me know and I’ll act accordingly.)

british shorthair cat cream self

3) The obligatory Mr Bear photograph. Lazy sod that he is. He hasn’t helped around the house at all since I started my MA work! Just lays about eating cooked prawns and batting at pieces of ribbon…

4) I’ve just realised that I posted a picture of a very cute Paul & Joe lipstick at the top of this page and didn’t even talk about it! It’s an old one, unfortunately – you had to buy the case and the product separately, which is both a good and a bad idea. Mix and match, yes, but who can be bothered? Does anyone have one of these? It’s a great shade of lippie, I must make an effort to try and wear it before the summer leaves us…

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