Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) Love this press release that I got sent through from Beauty Mart; it’s for a fake tan remover. It’s basically a rough sponge, I think, that buffs away the colour – it’s called the Beauty Bronze Buffer. Has any one used it? Does it work? I shall have to get hold of one and give it a try! It’s £10 for two sponges at Beauty Mart
2) After being all good and “concentrate-y” for most of last week, I discovered a Youtube channel of incredible cuteness: TexasGirly1979. This lady is an animal fanatic and has a huge array of different pets including cats, ducks, an Iguana and a pitbull called Sharky. They all (unbelievably!) love each other and she makes these incredible videos of them doing stupid things. Favourite so far is a cat dressed as a shark, riding a hoover, chasing a duck. Waste some hours here: The dog cleaning the baby rabbit is tear-inducingly sweet:
3) Londoners (or London visitors!) get yourselves to Harrods tout suite! Thai beauty brand Erb have set up shop in the exhibition window (far end of the store, away from the tube station) and are doing complimentary neck-shoulder-arm-hand massages! Mine lasted for about three minutes but was probably more effective than some hour-long massages I’ve had! Very thorough. You also get free trial samples so that you can discover the brand at home – the products are beautiful. I was particularly enamoured with the jasmine-scented room scent diffuser and I’m about to try some very unusual products; a beauty mask and a toner for the underarms! Sounds whacky, but very traditional in Thai culture apparently, to take good care of your pits. Who knew? I also really like the look of this tamarind body scrub:
Tamarind, Ginger, Turmeric and Marigold. Not your typical scrub ingredients, are they? I’ll update you with my results once I’ve done a bit of testing! You can find Erb at Harrods until the 24th of August – tell ’em I sent you!