Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) I am pleased to announce that this week I have actually managed to get some work done! I KNOW! I owe it all to a certain computer application called the Freedom App. Recommended to me by my booker at Models1, Josy, and also by a few of my Twitter friends, it has totally changed my working life. Whereas before I found it difficult to get my academic work done because I was forever getting distracted by my other (paid!) work, now I am doing two or three solid hours of writing without the slightest blip. The Freedom App disconnects you from the internet for a pre-set amount of time so that you can’t do little things like check Twitter or answer emails. But it’s not like just switching the internet off for yourself, it makes you reboot your whole computer if you want to browse the web before your pre-set time is up! (You set the number of minutes you want to work for and it does the rest.) Such a simple idea, yet I’m totally sold – it works like a dream. One of the best $10 I have ever spent!
2) Cult Beauty offer 1: a free luxury Omorovicza sample trio if you spend over £40 on their products. Easy to pick a product: the Queen of Hungary Mist. One of my favourite beauty treats of all time. Can’t go on about it again because some of you must be bored to death of hearing about it! You can see the review here, or find the mist here. Of course you can pick any product over the value of £40, that’s just my personal choice for this hot, sticky weather! I saw the offer on the homepage here.
3) Cult Beauty offer 2: for lovers of Liquid Gold, there’s a value deal running. A full-size Liquid Gold and Balancing Cleanser duo for £34.50 – that’s a saving of £20. Good one to have a look at if you’re a regular user of those, as I am! I saw the offer page here.
4) It wouldn’t be Sunday Tittle Tattle without Mr Bear. Have a wonderful, relaxing day!