Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) Dissertation update: let’s not even go there. See the keys in the picture above? I need them to magically start pressing themselves. And not just to enter my credit card number into checkout pages! (See Friday’s post.) I have no idea why I put it upon myself to do an MA in what has turned out to be the busiest few years of my life. It’s as though I have to test myself to the limits all of the time, see how much I can do before my head explodes. In a moment of insanity last week, I even had a little read through of the application process for the PhD programme at my uni! I think that my husband, family and friends would all just disown me…
2) At the risk of sounding as though all I do is shop online and fail to write my dissertation, I bought a really handy t-shirt this week from ASOS. It’s almost neon, but for those who hate neon let’s say that it’s a very bright coral colour! It’s 100% linen and feels really light and fresh – the cut’s also great. I’m a stickler for well-cut t-shirts because I wear them a lot. This one is called the Daisy Oil-Dyed Tee and it is in the ASOS Sale, £21 down from £30. You can find it here if it’s still in stock! It’s a little bit sheer, so some might want to wear a nude vest beneath it, but I don’t mind a little transparency if I have a nice bra on.
3) Anyone who hasn’t been to see a 3D film at the BFI IMAX in Waterloo must go. It’s amazing! I took Mr AMR on his birthday to see the new(ish) Star Trek film and it was like actually being in space. Apart from the few minutes at the start when people either side of us started troughing away at their popcorn and both Mr AMR and I were apoplectic with barely-contained rage, it was a brilliant, brilliant experience. The tickets for the good seats were only a couple of pounds more than if you went to a normal Odeon IMAX and the screen is enormous. It’s 26 metres tall and 20 metres wide – a double decker bus is about four metres high, I think, so imagine all of those double deckers stacked one on top of another! I shall most definitely be booking back in to see Man of Steel – love me a bit of superhero in tight lycra leggings. Ahem.
4) I’m going to get started on this little gadget – it’s a Mesotherapy roller from Filorga that is used at home every other evening for an intensive three week skin treatment. The roller is covered in tiny little pins that prick the skin and apparently stimulate it deep down to restore suppleness and radiance. When I was in Paris I saw some of Filorga’s cosmetic procedures first-hand and I have to say that my interest was piqued. I’m absolutely not interested in having any done myself, at least not for the foreseeable future, but when I heard that they had a mild home version, I thought I’d give it a go. I’ve seen similar things on the market, but I trust in Filorga and their expertise and so this seems like a safe bet! I’m going to try it once and if I don’t like it, I’m going to force Mr AMR to be my guinea pig! You can see more details on the roller here.