Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) Dissertation update: words of essay notes written, zero. Words of research read? Zero. Number of hours spent moaning to people about having to write my dissertation? 8.
2) Short and rather pointless Tittle Tattle this week because I’m off to Cambridge to have dinner with my cousin. He’s a Fellow and apparently all of the students have to stand up when we come into the dining hall. Cue me going on one HUGE power trip – I might have to leave and re-enter the room a few times, just for kicks. I really hope that they have to sing “for he’s a jolly good FELLOW” at us, too. Anyway, must go, so will leave you with the news that….
3) …the new issue of TWO Magazine is out! Avec Moi on the front cover and a rather nice story inside. You can sign up for the mag (it’s free) here and if you want to see the “behind the scenes” vlog, look to the bottom of this page. Some of you might have seen it before…