Sunday Tittle Tattle
Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks…
What’s been going on this week, I wonder?
1) I have decided to write my dissertation for my Masters Degree on Wolf Hall. (Above,) If you haven’t read this book yet, and you love historical novels, then DO! It’s absolutely brilliant. But set aside about four years of your life, because it’s a chunky old sod. I lost my original hardback copy (it probably fell through the ground and into the centre of the earth) so I had to buy a new one the other day. If you want to read along with me (well, you read it and I’ll read-it-and-make-notes-on-it-and-analyse-it) then you can find it on Amazon here: Wolf Hall. I don’t even know why I’m telling you about my dissertation, because surely this is as boring as news can get; I suppose I want you to feel my pain.
2) I had a bit of a lingerie splurge on Friday. I realised that some of my bras were getting a little bit worn in the underwiring department and the sharp bits were sticking into my skin. Not good, not good. I hate throwing things in the bin and will hoard for decades, so I was quite impressed with myself for putting them out with the food rubbish. They were completely unfixable so they would have just gathered dust. I put them in the food bin so that they would smell if I tried to retrieve them later! (That’s how badly I hoard….) Anyway, after the success of my last Stella by Stella McCartney set, I thought I’d invest in a couple more. I went for the new tiger print set and also a cute one that’s been out for a while called Marguerite Riding. I’ll let you know how I get on with them – it’s the weekend so I am bra-less! I like to gad about in a crop top and many layers of cotton, no underwiring in site. The fact that I have to hold onto my breasts when I run down the stairs is a small price to pay for such luxurious comfort! If you want to have a look at the new undies then the Stella Smooth Bra is £42 here and the Marguerite Riding is £45 here. I wear a 32DD in this brand and a medium in the knickers, FYI.
3) More purchasing (I promise I don’t spend my life buying things!) – I tracked down a new pair of LK Bennett Idina shoes on eBay. Fifty quid!! They still have the price label on the bottom and, though unboxed, are in pristine condition. What a coup – one hundred pounds off! eBay is a good old chap when he behaves, but I have been stung in the past. I now have three pairs of Idinas but the first lot are about to go to the recycling bin because they are totally, irreversibly knackered.
4) Useful beauty product of the week: Liz Earle’s Eyebright Soothing Eye Lotion. This is one of those beauty products that I wheel out each and every spring/summer when my eyes begin what I like to call their Gammy Cycle. Gungey and itchy in the morning, tired and itchy before I go to bed. It only happens when the pollen count increases – I don’t get any other hayfever symptoms at all, but the eyes are enough! I either use the Liz Earle Eyebright as a tonic, sweeping it over my eyes to freshen them up, or on cotton wool pads as a soothing compress. I am a “snooze addict” – I can’t get up until I’ve hit the snooze button at least once – so what I sometimes do is pop the soaked cotton wool pads over my eyes, hit snooze and relax for nine minutes. You can find full ingredients list and more info on Eyebright here.
5) The obligatory Mr Bear photograph (note I’ve put it last so that people who are bored of cats don’t have to read if they don’t want to. I’m nice like that!). This is Mr Bear’s twice-weekly face clean. Always executed by Mr AMR, always followed up with a Dreamies biscuit, just the one. Mr Bear just sits there are purrs as his eyes and nose are cleaned!