Sunday Tittle Tattle

by | Feb 12, 2012

Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks…

1) SpaceNK have a really very good sale on, with free delivery until Monday 13th! Have a browse here: SpaceNK Sale.

2) Cult Beauty have some discount codes, only valid until midnight on Monday 13th (ie, the midnight after Monday has happened! I always get confused…): if you spend over £100, there’s 20% off, the code is LOVE20. Spend over £75 and get £10 off, code LOVE10, and spend £50 to get £5 off, LOVE5.

3) I just ordered this dress from The Outnet. Don’t tell Mr AMR.

It’s £73.50 down from £245 – I love the long sleeves and the high neck. Perfect for this time of year but still a little sexy! Here’s the page: Twenty8Twelve Harley Dress

4) Haus of Gloi. I have heard so much about this brand – there are lots of people raving about it, and I got totally sucked into reading all of London Makeup Girl’s reviews last night! The foaming scrubs sound amazing as do the Pumpkin Butters… at the moment I have about eight things in my ‘cart’, but I’m so dithery! Has anyone tried? Any recommendations? Part of me is worried that everything will be a bit ‘alternative Lush’, but then the people who have been raving have impeccable taste…  Haus of Gloi

That’s all for now, folks! I’m off to sell my soul to the devil in order to pay my Amex bill…


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