Sunday Tittle Tattle
Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks…
1) I went to Paris this week for the launch of twelve new Dior Addict lipstick shades. The trip was ultra-glam and I was looked after very well! I shall be posting some pics next week and I might even edit a video for the Model Scrapbook channel! The new lipsticks are gorgeous, the nude shade and the Riviera red will most definitely be winging their way into a video in the near future…
2) The name ‘Sunday Tittle Tattle’ really is crap, but I’m sticking with it just to annoy myself. Thank goodness it’s only going to be used once a week!
3) Beauty blogs and British Beauty Blogger are holding a beauty magazine awards! It’s your chance to really show your appreciation for the magazines you love – the ones that provide useful information and the oh-so-important entertainment value. My picks would probably be Stylist and Grazia, but I’m mulling it over before I vote! Cast yours here: Beautie/BBB Awards
4) A serious amount of love this week goes to the Givenchy Powder in Peach Plumetis (whatever Plumetis means!): It has stopped me from looking dead on three separate occasions and for that I am eternally grateful. I can’t swatch it because it doesn’t show up, but believe me when I say that it does impart a brilliant superfine powder-mist of peachy illumination. Subtle but effective.
**UPDATE: Just seen the Givenchy discounted and with free delivery at**
5) Finally, I loved this video posted by Wayne Goss last night. Wayne is a professional makeup artist who makes very frank and to-the-point Youtube videos – he’s simply brilliant. This video is all about ‘haters’ – people who leave mean and sometimes threatening comments on Youtube channels. The ending, with his lovely little dog, really made me laugh!