Sunday Tittle Tattle
Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks…
1) Well, here we are, back with another Tittle Tattle like nothing even happened in between! Whoo. So far, so good. An update for you: the archives WILL be fully restored with all of your wonderful comments. I think that it’s important, in this age where everything is ‘virtual’, that we preserve as much as we can for future perusing. I’m not saying that the A Model Recommends archives are going to be historically important, not by any means, but I think it’s nice to look back at older posts when the fancy takes us. It’ll take a while to rebuild, but as posts get cleaned up and reinstated I’ll be applying new, easier to use categories, so hopefully you’ll enjoy looking back on them!
2) It’s Mother’s Day, so I’d like to direct you in the way of My Mum Says. If you haven’t visited before, it’s my Mum (Christine) saying things. She makes me laugh. A lot. Enjoy! (If you had forgotten it was Mother’s Day then you had better quickly cobble together a card and nick some flowers from the service station…)
3) I’ll be at the Vitality show at Earl’s Courts next week, who else is going? I’m presenting some videos and I’ll be looking for willing volunteers to interview, street-stylee! Let me know and I’ll tweet my whereabouts on the day – I’m there on Friday.
4) Hold off if you’re about to purchase a Versace fragrance. Next month there’s a gift with purchase at Boots if you spend over £50. It’s a huge woven shopper with nude patent trim, perfect for taking down to the beach in the summertime. I would never usually say this, because most GWP bags are horrendous, but this one is actually rather nice! And free. Which is always a bonus. See below for a very beige photograph of said bag.
My Versace fragrance of choice? Yellow Diamond without a doubt!
5) Finally, is this not the most enthusiastic review of a facial you have ever seen? (Link: Le Salon de Beaute) It just made me smile and also made me really want an Alpha-H facial! The wonderful people at Alpha-H have told me so many times to pay Fern Clinic a visit but it has just kept slipping my mind – now I can’t get there soon enough! I want cling-film on my face! I want that massage and the extractions and I WANT THE NEEDLE IN MY MILIA! (That is not a euphemism.)