Sunday Tittle Tattle
1) My YSL Fusion Foundation (above) looks as though it’s had loads of tiny foundation babies! Fusion is the latest launch from YSL; it’s a very lightweight base that promises 24hr hold and YSL have 7-day samples of this at all of their counters nationwide. I assume that’s “while stocks last” so make sure you pop in and get matched up with the right shade when you’re next passing a department store! Usually you get piddly little samples of foundation that aren’t good for anything much at all, so it’s nice to be able to have a good old try-out before you invest. Fusion launches today at Debenhams – I’ll be back with a proper review when I’ve had a chance to test it out.
2) Apologies to those who still aren’t getting their Daily Fix; I’ve contacted the helpdesk and apparently it’s quite a common problem with certain email providers. If anyone’s still having trouble then could they please try adding me to their address books or contact lists? Email is in the pic below. That should sort the issue out in most cases. If you are getting the red alert message below then please click the link that says “click here to update your profile”. You will be emailed your settings page and then just check that the box for “Daily Fix” is ticked!
I hope that this solves things; I can see that most of you got yesterday’s email safe and sound, so I’m getting there… Anyone who hasn’t signed up and would like to, you can do so here – same rules apply, add my address to your contacts list if there are any problems! It will all be worth it in the end – already there are a few thousand people getting the email through that weren’t previously receiving it. Hurrah!
3) For those who wanted to get their hands on the new Effaclar 3-Step Anti-Blemish System before it officially launches, there’s a waiting list in action over at I’ll be letting you know how our five testers got on with their sets in September, but if you can’t wait that long and are keen to try out the toner, you can put your name down for a set here. Kits will cost £32.50 – I think I got the price wrong in my previous post!
4) Oh! I seem to have made my animals look like cardboard cutouts in this week’s picture, above. I don’t quite know what’s happened there, but anyway. Here they are, posing together, which is becoming a more frequent occurrence. Mr Bear is doing some kind of yoga move with the lid of his box, Dexter is no doubt on his way to eat something. Most likely a pair of pants of a random sock that he’s pulled out of the linen basket. (I really need to find a linen basket with a lockable lid! Do they exist?) You can see more pet pics over on Instagram, @DexterandtheBear