Sunday Tittle Tattle
Sunday Tittle Tattle (noun?): everything from the week that I have forgotten to post about, in easy brunch-sized chunks…
Here we go. Sunday Tittle Tattle. Forgive me if I sound a little rittle-rattled, I’m halfway through a 12,000 word MA submission. It’s killing me off. My hands type on the duvet when I’m trying to get to sleep and I see words, misspelt words, flying about behind my closed lids. The deadline looms – what will come first, madness or completion?
Oh do shut up.
1) I am proud – and SO excited – to announce that Yasmin Selena Butt, a longtime reader of A Model Recommends, has PUBLISHED A BOOK! I think that this is an incredible achievement and I am absolutely blown away by all of her hard work and dedication. I know that it has been a hard slog (and I’m beginning to appreciate just how hard, what with all these words I’m having to churn out this week!) but it’s finally here: Gunshot Glitter! I am going to get started on it just as soon as I finish up all of my uni work, but you can buy it now for the Kindle here: Gunshot Glitter and you can follow the behind-the-scenes journey here:
2) Winners of the Bear Caption Contest. Mr AMR picked Judelovesthis’s entry, which was “Look at the pencil, look at the pencil, the pencil, the pencil, not around the pencil, don’t look around my pencil, look at my pencil…. You’re under.” Little sister Kate Crilly picked Kirsten Ralley’s entry, which was “2HB or not 2HB that is the question?”. Kate added that she found all of the entries “meowst hilarious”. Give me strength, oh Lord, give me strength. Winners, drop me an email through the contact form and I’ll have a little delve into my prize drawer for you!
3) Winners of the I Coloniali giveaway are as follows – you’ll have received an email by now, so if you are in any doubt as to whether you’re one of these winners, you need only check your inbox and your spam also, just to be safe!
Sensual Silk: LilyM
Ardent Amber: Li
Luxurious Datura: Chris (@
Vanilla: Clare (Nettleship18)
Angel Musk: Tammy (tam-tammy)
Well done winners, let me know how you like your fragrances!
4) Is there a four? I’m sure there was something I wanted to tell you about, beauty-related, but I can’t remember. My brain has turned into some kind of flesh-porridge.