SPC Detoxifying Ginger Scrub

by | Jun 29, 2011

SPC Detoxifying Ginger ScrubYesterday morning I went down to the Baglioni Hotel in Kensington to have a nose about in their SPC spa. SPC have a range of ‘decadent rose’ skincare products (I’m a sucker for anything with rose in it!) so I’m already something of a fan, but I was interested to see how effective their treatments were. They only have a very small (but very lovely!) range of products so I was curious to see whether or not this would make a difference to the experience – some spa brands have dozens of different oils and scrubs and lotions to suit every skin type and ‘need’, so would limited choice equate to a less satisfying result?

In short, no. I couldn’t have been glowier, smoother or more invigorated had I been coated in a thousand products! I had the Detoxifying Ginger Scrub treatment and the ‘hero’ product was – not surprisingly! – the Ginger Body Scrub. Incredibly smoothing, strangely warming, delightfully scented. After a brisk, verging-on-uncomfortable body brushing session (that’s precisely how it should feel, by the way!) the scrub was applied with firm, massaging movements that really made my skin feel as though it was having its own little workout whilst the inside of me relaxed! (Strange idea, I know, but that’s how it felt.)

The most wonderful thing about the scrub was that after rinsing my skin felt as though it had been massaged with body oil – so soft and silky. I looked in the mirror (paper pants, ARGH!) and my skin was literally glowing. The treatment didn’t stop there though – there’s an extra shot of moisture in the second half of the treatment because you have a nice relaxing massage using the Citrus Body Moisturiser. If you’re the kind of person for whom brushing and scrubbing wouldn’t feel very relaxing (I could relax through a combine harvester, the number of ‘dynamic’ treatments I’ve endured!) then you’ll appreciate the softly-softly approach of Act II.

As I sit here typing away, I feel as though I may never have to moisturise again – a sign of a great body treatment, surely! This would be brilliant to have just before going on holiday (or honeymoon for all those brides-to-be!) to get skin looking tip-top. It’s not the most complicated treatment in the world – there’s nothing hi-tech or overly scientific – just a lovely scrub and good old elbow grease!

The treatment lasts for 55 mins and costs £85. If you fancy replicating the treatment at home, a hefty jar of scrub will set you back £35 or (sshh!) £28 with free shipping on Salon Skincare here: http://tinyurl.com/5t9xxe8 You’ll need to really put your back into it – there’s no point in just lightly rubbing the scrub in, you need to get that circulation going! (Be sensible if you have sensitive/overreactive skin, please!)


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