Spa Fabulous Cleanse & Glow

by | Aug 22, 2012

I have been testing out Neena Trehan’s Cleanse & Glow cleanser. It’s lovely. I had no idea what to expect from it as I’d never heard anyone talk about it or seen any reviews, but I quite like testing something “blind”, so to speak. There are no preconceptions or little niggles that other people might have had about a product. Not that those should ever affect a review in the first place, but they do, even if it’s very indirectly.

So, I tested the Cleanse & Glow absolutely blind, and I am thrilled to tell you that it was a great success. The cleanser is light and fluid (though the blurb says “rich and velvety”) but it does a great job of removing makeup. This is a rinse-off cleanser, and you need a cloth/flannel/sponge and some warm water to remove it. This one doesn’t sit on the skin for very long – you couldn’t sit there massaging it about for minutes on end – but it gets in there, does the job and rinses straight off. Ingredients: Aloe, Frankincense, Lavender, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Rosehip Seed OIl, Evening Primrose, Vitamins A & E. Nice and nourishing with a hint of a scent but nothing too overpowering.

I have been using this instead of my usual (thicker) cleansing balms, and though it doesn’t have the same sense of luxury, it’s a nice change to have a more fluid texture. I’m not convinced on the packaging front – the squeezy bottle does work well, but the styling feels a bit (lot) outdated. I’m nit-picking, of course, because this is a lovely fomula and leaves the skin feeling plump and hydrated. It’s just a shame that it’s on the expensive side; in a toss-up between this and Pai’s Cleanser (see below) then I think I’d have to stick with the Pai. **UPDATE: my sincerest apologies. Spa Fab is £36 for 150ml (24p per ml) and Pai is £25 for 100ml (25p per ml). So Neena Trehan’s cleanser is actually a smidgen cheaper! Happy days.**

£36 from Spa Fabulous

 Pai’s Cleanser


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