Some Fluro Favourites

fluro nailsWe’re getting into ‘Summer Proper’, (hello? Rain? You can go away now!) and so I thought that I’d put together a few of my Fluro Favourites. Fluros are pretty hard to wear on your face, unless you’re ten or going to a fancy dress party, but I’ve picked out a couple of things that are just on the workable side of Fluro. Just.

Of course, when it comes to nails you can go as Fluro as you ruddy well want to! The more acid-bright the better, especially if you’re on your hols or you want to show off perfectly bronzed skin. POP Beauty (little sister to Pixi Beauty) do brilliant Fluros – I like the Fluro Orange, Fluro Pink and Fluro Mandarin. They are just £6.50 each for quite nicely-sized bottles that last for ages.

fluro nails

fluro nails

fluro nailsFace-wise, I have always liked Topshop’s cream blush in ‘Neon Rose‘. It looks quite scarily bright in the compact but when applied to the cheeks it really gives life to bronzed skin. You can dab it onto lips, too. It’s just £6 and again, lasts for ages.

neon rose

My final little favourite is a bit more luxury (you didn’t think I’d get to the end of this without getting a luxury item in, did you?) and is pretty much verging on indecently bright. Sisley’s Long Lasting Lipstick in L30 (you can read more details HERE but they don’t stock the exact shade) is a really orangey-orange that seems to look even more fluro on the lips than it does in the bullet! I think it’s a lot of fun. It’s incredibly intense, but at the same time there’s a gorgeous sheen and sheerness to the finish that makes it less ‘in your face’.

sisley orange lipstickThe image above makes it look quite red, so I’m going to try and do a little video with the lipstick in it at some point…soonish…when God has answered my prayers and sent me a few hundred helpers! I have a video ‘to-do’ list with over fifty separate features marked down on it! Maybe I should just do one big ‘bumper issue’ – feature length, 120 minutes long! Haha…that would be a great way to cure insomnia!

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