ruth crilly beauty blogger

Small and Affordable Christmas Presents.

ruth crilly beauty blogger

I posted the first of my Christmas Gift Guides on Friday – this year I’m only doing two videos, one for smaller presents and one for larger or more luxurious offerings. There will be, of course, the annual candle video and I have a Christmas Decorations video coming up too, and if I see some particularly lovely additional things I will write about them here on the website as and when I find them. This video is for smaller or more affordable presents – please scroll down for a list of all of the products and links. If you can’t see the video screen then click here to watch on Youtube.

(PS sorry for the brevity of this post and also the absence of a post earlier today; Dexter the dog is still in hospital and I’m very down in the dumps. It takes a lot for me not to post, as you probably know!)


Keep Calm and Shop: – sorry, more stuff to be added soon!

I am wearing a Christmas Jumper from ASOS:

Q&A 5 Year Journal £10.49 here:

Couvent des Minimes Set, £10:

Weleda Lavender Set, £16.95: or bath milk on its own, £11.85:

Penguin Postcards 100 Box, £10.49:

RoomMates Decal Wall Stickers:

Zoella Guinea Pig Toiletries Bag, £8:

Lush Bathbomb Wrap – I think you buy the wrap and then a ballistic of your choice:…

House of Holland Nails, £7.20 with code CYBERWKND20:

Christmas Jumper Nails, £6.40 with code CYBERWKND20:

B&Q Christmas Decorations:…

ASOS Snowman Slipper Socks: £8 with code CYBERWKND20:

ASOS Owl Hot Water Bottle & Cover, £10 with code CYBERWKND20:

Hush Rose & Cassis Candle, £12:

Faust’s Potions for Discerning Night Owls, £5.99:

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